Welcome to Storehouse Wellness
The Premier Comprehensive Christ-Centered Wellness Solution
Transforming the why behind wellness for optimum outcomes or you, your team, or members.
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Who Storehouse Wellness Serves

Storehouse provides a versatile range of tailored wellness solutions, expertly crafted to support a wide variety of customers in reaching their personal and organizational health and wellness goals.

Gain access to all that Storehouse Wellness has to offer in one app solution.


Choose from corporate wellness plans for all or voluntary benefit and/or membership perks for your members or those you serve.

Church & Ministry Groups

Empower healthier choices with personalized guidance and resources for balanced nutrition and sustainable well-being.


Implement a ministry wellness program for your college students to create a culture of wellness on campus.

What We Offer

Let us guide you on your wellness journey.

4 Pillars

1 Platform

Individualized Support


Empowering healthier choices with personalized guidance and resources for balanced nutrition and sustainable well-being.

Physical Fitness

Promoting active lifestyles through tailored programs that improve strength, endurance, and overall physical health.

Mental Wellness

Fostering emotional resilience and clarity with tools, support, and services to enhance mental health and mindfulness.

Financial Health

Guiding smarter financial decisions to reduce stress and improve financial stability and security for the future.

Why Storehouse Wellness?

Holistic, Faith-Based Approach

Embrace complete well-being through a Christ-centered foundation that nurtures physical, mental, spiritual, and financial health.

Customizable Wellness Solutions

Create personalized wellness programs tailored to your organization's unique needs and goals.

Innovative and Results-Driven

Lead the way in wellness by achieving meaningful engagement and life-changing health outcomes for individuals and teams.

Expert Support and Guidance

Work with dedicated wellness experts who provide hands-on support to help you succeed on your health journey.


2k+Happy Members



Provide your team with the resources and support they need to achieve their wellness goals, from expert content to personalized coaching.

Wellness Platform

A top-rated platform that promotes well-being in different areas, available on both web and mobile apps.

Health Content

Health and wellness information based on research, shared through webinars, notifications, flyers, and emails.


Thousands of streaming fitness, meditation, sleep, and nutrition classes from top instructors around the world.

24/7 Chaplaincy

Round-the-clock access to compassionate, faith-based support from experienced chaplains to guide you through life’s challenges and provide spiritual care.

Health Coaching

Certified health coaches offering personalized advice on nutrition, fitness, and stress management.

Get to Know Storehouse Wellness

We believe in a holistic approach to wellness—mind, body, and spirit. Living well means staying physically active, eating a nutritious diet, detoxifying your body and environment, managing finances wisely, and nurturing faith and community.

What if all your wellness needs were in one place?

Access Plan Options

Individual Plan

Now Available!

Employer or Broker

Build a Culture of Wellness AT WORK.

College Edition

Christian Colleges & Fraternities enjoy exclusive content experience.

Church Leaders

Implement a Ministry of Wellness Program for your church family.

Member Organizations

We partner with member associations and advocacy groups for your members and those you servce.

Healthcare Provider

Help your patients be fully well with the tools they need to reach their goals.

Get Started Today!

Join thousands of people who trust Storehouse Wellness, the premier Christ-centered wellness solution, to transform mindsets and partner with us for better outcomes for you, your team, or your members.

Read Our Latest Posts

Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Whether you’re road-tripping with friends, flying for work, or heading off on a long-awaited getaway, one thing is true: travel can throw our rhythms off. But just because you’re out of routine doesn’... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 26, 20253 min read

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

Need a natural energy boost, glowing skin, or a little digestive reset? Juicing delivers vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants straight to your cells—no fluff, just fuel. ✨ Start with one juice a day a... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 23, 20252 min read

The Healing Power of Salt Caves: A Natural Path to Wellness

The Healing Power of Salt Caves: A Natural Path to Wellness

In the world of holistic wellness, salt caves have been gaining popularity as a natural therapy for respiratory health, skin conditions, and overall well-being. But what exactly are the benefits of sp... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 20, 20254 min read

Request A Demo

Storehouse Wellness

At Storehouse Wellness, we are here to support your employees, organization members, or clients on their wellness journey.

Whether you have questions or want to learn more about our services, feel free to reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you and help your community achieve full wellness: mind, body, spirit.

Upcoming Events

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Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Whether you’re road-tripping with friends, flying for work, or heading off on a long-awaited getaway, one thing is true: travel can throw our rhythms off. But just because you’re out of routine doesn’... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 26, 20253 min read

Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

Need a natural energy boost, glowing skin, or a little digestive reset? Juicing delivers vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants straight to your cells—no fluff, just fuel. ✨ Start with one juice a day a... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 23, 20252 min read

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

What our Customers are Saying

Hear how our wellness programs are making a difference in lives, workplaces, and communities.

"Getting healthy is difficult, but with Jesus at the heart of this multifaceted wellness program, I know our members are getting Godly direction, putting them on a fast track for success."

Char Bonsignore

Director of Business Development;

Christian Business Partnership

"I applaud Storehouse Wellness for their integrity, impactful programs, and commitment to empowering cancer patients through education. Their collaboration has been invaluable, delivering exceptional value and knowledge to those we serve."

Elizabeth Barnes

Executive Director;

Hope Abounds Cancer Network

"Cam, my Wellness Navigator, was kind, encouraging, and insightful. She instantly put me at ease, helped set goals, and provided valuable resources. I’m excited for our next call!"

Dierdre McCool

Executive Vice President

Butterfield Foundation

The Deep Dive

At this point, if you are curious to learn more about the existing data and reports that support the proposed advantages of this model, read our white paper here:

Our Latest Articles

Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Healthy Choices While Traveling: Nourishing Your Body On the Go

Whether you’re road-tripping with friends, flying for work, or heading off on a long-awaited getaway, one thing is true: travel can throw our rhythms off. But just because you’re out of routine doesn’... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 26, 20253 min read

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

Juicing: Nourishment for the Body, Fuel for the Soul

Need a natural energy boost, glowing skin, or a little digestive reset? Juicing delivers vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants straight to your cells—no fluff, just fuel. ✨ Start with one juice a day a... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 23, 20252 min read

The Healing Power of Salt Caves: A Natural Path to Wellness

The Healing Power of Salt Caves: A Natural Path to Wellness

In the world of holistic wellness, salt caves have been gaining popularity as a natural therapy for respiratory health, skin conditions, and overall well-being. But what exactly are the benefits of sp... ...more

Storehouse Wellness

March 20, 20254 min read

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Storehouse Wellness?

Storehouse Wellness is a Christ-centered platform offering comprehensive wellness solutions across four key pillars: Nourishment, Physical Fitness, Mental Wellness, and Financial Health. Our mission is to build cultures of health by integrating faith-based principles into wellness programs for individuals, employers, healthcare providers, and various organizations.

What services does Storehouse Wellness offer?

We provide a range of resources, including:A top-rated wellness platform accessible via web and mobile apps.

On-demand fitness, meditation, sleep, and nutrition classes led by top instructors worldwide.

Certified health coaches offering personalized advice on nutrition, fitness, and stress management.

24/7 chaplaincy support for spiritual guidance and support.

Health and wellness information based on research, shared through webinars, notifications, flyers, and emails.

Is Storehouse Wellness faith-based?

Yes, our programs integrate faith-based principles into every aspect of wellness, aligning with our mission to inspire healthy living through God’s design.

Who can benefit from Storehouse Wellness?

Storehouse Wellness is designed for individuals, employers, healthcare providers, and organizations seeking to improve well-being holistically.

Do you offer customizable wellness programs?

Absolutely! Our wellness solutions can be tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of individuals or organizations.

How do I get started with Storehouse Wellness?

Simply visit our website, create an account, and explore the resources and programs available. For organizations, contact us to discuss creating a custom wellness solution.

Building Christ-Centered

Cultures of Health


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