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Why The Storehouse Way

To our friends in healthcare, we know your job is hard! You diagnose disease, you find optimal treatments, you encourage people to be partners in their care journey, and you set goals for them. BUT you only get so much time to spend with each one.

We provide resources in nourishment, physical fitness, mental wellness, & financial health from leaders in their niche, as well as navigation/accountability support and 24/7 chaplaincy at one accessible price.

We recognize the facts regarding healthcare spending:


is spent annually in the US on healthcare.


of which is dedicated to managing & treating chronic disease, including mental health conditions.


is preventable or reversible with a holistic health approach.

And while health concerns are in mass proportions, we know that disease prevention, reversal, and improved quality of life is possible, especially when we collaborate!

With the Storehouse Wellness Solution Model, we build all 4 pillars of the wellness approach: nourishment, physical fitness, mental wellness, and financial health on a foundation of Christian faith and Biblical principles meant to transform mindset not simply short-term behaviors.

We also ensure that everything needed is easily accessible and offer wellness navigation. Our navigators serve as prayer partners, accountability partners, and resource support coordinators.

Recent findings show that sharing goals & progress consistently with a wellness navigator provides valuable support & increases your chances of success by 95%!

Also it's been cited that "When spiritual life is shared, you’re at an 82% decreased relative risk for suicide, 80% decreased risk of addiction, 75% decreased risk of depression... If this was a pill, who wouldn’t take that?”

-Lisa Miller, PhD, Professor of Psychology & Education, Columbia University

Storehouse Wellness bring a Christ-Centered approach to comprehensive wellness and incorporates individual and group support options at a cost-effective and competitive approach. We believe in what you do and are eager to collaborate with a solution that works for you.

Allow us to help with the heavy lifting, the daily encouragement, and the resources that help meet the health goals you've helped them set.If you are a provider that believe that comprehensive and convenient wellness resources that are faith-based and come with a wellness buddy would be a great value and align with your approach to care, contact us today to discuss options for access.

If you are a provider that believe that comprehensive and convenient wellness resources that are faith-based and come with a wellness buddy would be a great value and align with your approach to care, contact us today to discuss options for access.​


2k+Happy Members


The Deep Dive

At this point, if you are curious to learn more about the existing data and reports that support the proposed advantages of this model, read our white paper here:

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From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Our Latest Articles

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

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Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating ...more

Storehouse Wellness

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Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Building Christ-Centered

Cultures of Health


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