The Storehouse Wellness Solution

About Us

If you are new to Storehouse Wellness, welcome! Here we believe you will find everything to live healthy and healed, just as God intended. We are building Christ-Centered Cultures of Wellness at Work,Communities, & at Home.

We believe that full wellness means healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit. In order to achieve this, we have created a model of 4 pillars: nourishment, physical fitness, mental wellness, and financial health. The pillars are built on a foundation of Christ and Biblical Truth that goes beyond internal motivation but transforms mindsets. The final component, the tie that binds is our wellness navigators which help to ensure accountability and proper support.

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Food is more than a necessity or luxury. It is meant to be fuel for our body and a source of healing. Many symptoms and diseases can be prevented or reversed through our food choices. We teach you core knowledge about the direct impact and empower you to change food behaviors to live well. Find recipes and join us in virtual cooking classes. Link to trusted sources of food and learn how to plan ahead and meet your goals.

The 4 Pillars

At Storehouse Wellness, receive revelation on how each of these areas are overlapping and closely tied. We create pathways for wellness that allow you to be strong and engage your family and community in healthy culture, and we make it convenient and cost-effective.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."


Food is more than a necessity or luxury. It is meant to be fuel for our body and a source of healing. Many symptoms and diseases can be prevented or reversed through our food choices. We teach you core knowledge about the direct impact and empower you to change food behaviors to live well. Find recipes and join us in virtual cooking classes. Link to trusted sources of food and learn how to plan ahead and meet your goals.

Physical Fitness

Strength is gained as we move our bodies and exercise our muscles. Physical fitness is more than being attractive. It's about having the energy to do all that we're called to do. We know everyone starts at a different place and with different challenges. Storehouse Wellness has committed to meeting needs across the spectrum. From limited mobility to high intensity training, we have robust options for you.

Mental Wellness

Our body may act but every action starts in the mind. Inner healing and a healthy mindset is core to living well. Here find Biblical based learning and discussion on the most common and crucial topics regarding mental wellness, such as anxiety, loss, divorce, and much more. Find opportunity to tap into prayer and community. Transformation of mind begins here.

Financial Health

Identified as the top concern by adults in the US, money is a topic that many wish they could avoid. Use our resources to learn tactics and Biblical principles to effectively manage your finances, live and give generously, and feel free from fear and oppression from poverty mindset.

Our Content Partners

At Storehouse Wellness, we are so honored and humbled to work with such incredible partners.

Our pillars are built by incredible organizations that has committed themselves fully to the ministry of that specific pillar. We wouldn't be Storehouse Wellness without them.

Ramsey Solution

Ramsey Plus & FPU

Share the Struggle

Experience Restoration

Kingdom Chaplain

Biblical Based Teaching with Life Application

Telechap by Corporate Chaplains of America

24/7 Access to a Chaplain

The Drifted Drum Company

365 Day Devotion "Jesus Loves You Most" & Faith-Based Books on Overcoming Adversity

Faithful Workouts

Nutrition & Multi-level Variety "Come All" Fitness


Physical Training and Scripture Based Motivation

SoulStrength Fit

Kids Fitness: Animated Bible Stories with Exercise

The Deep Dive

At this point, if you are curious to learn more about the existing data and reports that support the proposed advantages of this model, read our white paper here:

Why Build on Christian Faith

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it."

Malachi 3: 10

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord..."

Jeremiah 29:11-14

Not only do we believe that there is a calling on each of our lives'. Whether that is to be a parent or caregiver, to be a missionary, a CEO, a first responder, or a chef, we believe that God has purpose for each of us, wherever we are and in whatever season of life.

In order to fulfill our purpose, we must show up well. In order to take of others, we must also tend to ourselves.

We know life can be overwhelming, but we believe that the Lord provides for all of our needs. So, at Storehouse Wellness, we strive to build a place that He can fill and hold your hand on your wellness journey when you need us. ​

Studies show that a comprehensive wellness plan that incorporates faith isn't just a "good idea" or our opinion of what will work but proven to be superior. And we know that Jesus can heal and renew our minds.


2k+Happy Members


Storehouse Wellness is a proud member of the Christian Employers Alliance.

Storehouse Wellness is a faith-based organization that is founded on Christian faith. Our statement of faith and beliefs can be viewed by clicking below:

Upcoming Events

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From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

What our Customers are Saying

Hear how our wellness programs are making a difference in lives, workplaces, and communities.

"Getting healthy is difficult, but with Jesus at the heart of this multifaceted wellness program, I know our members are getting Godly direction, putting them on a fast track for success."

Char Bonsignore

Director of Business Development;

Christian Business Partnership

"I applaud Storehouse Wellness for their integrity, impactful programs, and commitment to empowering cancer patients through education. Their collaboration has been invaluable, delivering exceptional value and knowledge to those we serve."

Elizabeth Barnes

Executive Director;

Hope Abounds Cancer Network

"Cam, my Wellness Navigator, was kind, encouraging, and insightful. She instantly put me at ease, helped set goals, and provided valuable resources. I’m excited for our next call!"

Dierdre McCool

Executive Vice President

Butterfield Foundation

Our Latest Articles

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference

From Fragmented to Whole: The Storehouse Wellness Difference ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating

Food Labels and Biblical Eating ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology

Understanding Food Labels: A Guide to Navigating Health and Wellness Terminology ...more

Storehouse Wellness

January 10, 20253 min read

Building Christ-Centered

Cultures of Health


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